If you are wanting to ensure that your visitors have a smooth and stress free journey upon arriving and leaving the event grounds, BHPSS offer car parking and traffic management services.
Our team will oversee the main traffic routes to the site so that any backlogs of traffic that may occur are kept to an absolute minimum.
Working together with teams that are guiding vehicles to the correct parking destinations in the designated parking areas, you can be safe in the knowledge that all of the visitors to the site are receiving a polite and courteous service. Our primary aim will be to reduce journey times and stress associated with busy traffic coming onto and leading off of the grounds.
Our car park & traffic management team have experience on shows both large and small, and receive professional training to ensure that every member of the team is helping to reduce waiting times as much as possible for visitors coming to the show, but also visitors leaving the site as well for an all round positive experience.
Call the office today for a free, no obligation quote and to discuss your event’s car park and traffic management requirements.